9/11 Anniversary
20 years ago, our country and the lives of each of us old enough to understand the events that took place were changed forever. Thousands of innocent people lost their lives, and their loved ones, as well as the survivors, were left with feelings that most of us will never know or understand.
It’s of extreme importance to honor and remember those who died and those affected. There are numerous ways to do this, including simply observing a moment of silence, climbing 110 stories – the equivalent of the highest point of the World Trade Center, volunteering, and attending a remembrance ceremony.
When is this going on sale?
When can I buy!!! I will wear this proudly. My family and I are all Firefighters and first responders and we honor that day each year! Would love to represent with this shirt
Hope to be able to get this. Would be an amazing way to show respect and remembrance.
I will pay whatever it takes to have this shirt. I was a professional firefighter during 9/11, but in another state.
When is this available? Representing and honoring those who fallen with the upmost respect is what’s all about! Can’t wait for this shirt!
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